Blog Security Why 2022 was a record-breaking year in bug bounty awards
1 min read

Why 2022 was a record-breaking year in bug bounty awards

Find out about the researchers who together earned more than $1 million USD in prizes and their bug hunting contributions.


Each year, GitLab's Application Security team likes to recap the highlights from GitLab's bug bounty program.

It's been a busy 2022 for security teams across the industry, and we have been fortunate to receive a huge number of excellent reports that help us keep GitLab and its customers secure. With the increase we made to our bug bounty award amounts in November 2021 and increased researcher engagement, we've broken a new record by awarding over $1 million USD in bounties during 2022!

We wouldn't be where we are without the collaboration of our bug bounty community, and we consider these awards as hugely beneficial and money well spent.

2022 by the numbers


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